Saturday, December 10, 2005

Guru Rinpoche Initiation

Finally, after getting to know him after Sikkim trip and have read all about him.... Received the Ngondro and Guru Rinpoche Initiation from the great Garchen Rinpoche at kmspks on 101205.

Guru Rinpoche with Retinue Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 05, 2005

Garchen Rinpoche

I am really excited about his coming to Singapore. His program is from 06 - 11 Dec 05.
Maybe, he can shed some light to me on leaving the home life. Though I have not met Rinpoche before, the accounts on him were far more extraordinary than what i have heard thus far!

Spin the Dharma Wheel round round round and round here!

Garchen Rinpoche - Bodhisattva of the 8th Ground Posted by Picasa